
Saral Kannon


Introduction: In the modern world where commerce and industry have assured large and long roles to play , the need for entering into contracts of agreements in relation to business and other transactions have become a common and necessary feature of daily life. As man became busier it became more and more necessary for him […]

Legal guidelines required for starting a business in India:

A) Choose a Legal Business A person who wishes to start a business is first and foremost required to check and see whether the business which he wishes to start is a lawful business with a lawful object in the eyes of law that is; it is not prohibited under any law that is in […]

How to enter into an Arbitration agreement ?

An Arbitration agreement may be in the form of Arbitration clause in a contract or in the form of a separate agreement. An Arbitration agreement has to be in writing. The requirement as to Arbitration agreement being in writing is fulfilled ;- If the document is signed by the parties If the Arbitration is entered […]

How to do business in India

Very frequently asked question from visitors, especially NRIs and foreigners, who want to start Business in India. Here is a detailed standard procedure (Followed in the most of the cities, in some cities there may be some more or less processes) will take to start business in India, the paperwork involved and procedures for starting a […]

What is Conciliation

  CONCILIATION/MEDIATION CONCILIATION / MEDIATION are often terms used interchangeably. It is a confidential, voluntary and private dispute resolution process in which a neutral person helps the parties to reach a negotiated settlement. This method provides the parties with an opportunity to negotiate, converse and explore options aided by a neutral third party, the conciliator, […]

Introduction to Arbitration

I. Introduction: Arbitration may be defined as “the process by which a dispute or difference between two or more parties as to their mutual legal rights and liabilities is referred to and determined judicially and with binding effect by the application of law by one or more persons (the arbitral tribunal) instead of by a […]

What is SaralKanoon?

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