Saral Kanoon is recognised as the first choice for clients facing regulatory issues. Our team frequently handles complex cases, where client’s interests are threatened by regulatory action or faced with compliance issues. We have been representing clients in various fora such as the SAT, Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT), Electricity Tribunal, Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and National Green Tribunal. We have also clients in defending themselves effectively before various regulatory and criminal investigating agencies including the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Economic Offences Wing (EOW). We often advise and represent clients in matters involving allegations of white collar crime such as corruption, fraud, cartel defence and corporate investigations.
Our practice in Regulatory litigation further includes dealing with the regulatory bodies or administrative bodies like SEBI (Securities and exchange board of India), ITAT (Income tax appellate tribunal), CCI (Competition commission of India) NCLT (National company law tribunal) and etc. Here the litigator has to deal with the certain particular sector of law.
As SEBI has the function to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of and to regulate the securities market, so, it has a lot many cases filed, with it many lawyers are needed to take up the cases.
- In the recent time, with the emergence of tele-communication sector and rapid growth in it, brought many disputes to the forefront.
TDSAT has the responsibilities to adjudicate disputes arising between consumer and a service provider, a licensee and a licensor, and also between two or more than the service providers. Except this, also due to the emergence of different telecom companies, competition became intense and that created the main reason for dispute.
With the increasing number of cases need for litigators is also increasing.
- ITAT deals with the matter of direct taxes. All the disputes relating to income tax are filed here. Due to its complex technicalities, it has not been a part of a layman, so, people who are well versed with the taxation laws are hired to solve the issues.
As Income tax return is filed by all employed citizen it creates a huge amount of opportunities for the litigators to deal with the Income tax issues.
- Competition is the best means of ensuring that the common man has access to the broadest range of goods and services at the most competitive prices. With increased competition, producers will have maximum incentive to innovate and specialize. This would result in reduced costs and wider choice to consumers.A fair competition in the market is essential to achieve this objective. It is the duty of the Commission to eliminate practices having the adverse effect on competition, promote and sustain competition, protect the interests of consumers and ensure freedom of trade in the markets of India.
So, the commission has enormous cases to deal with and create opportunities for the litigators.
- NCLT adjudicates issues relating to companies in India. The NCLT has the power under the Companies Act to adjudicate proceedings pertaining to claims of oppression and mismanagement of a company, winding up of companies and all other powers prescribed under the Companies Act.
All the companies in India having disputes come under the purview of NCLT so the tribunal gets lots of cases to deal with and provide a wide range of career opportunities to litigators.
Above are some examples but there were many such tribunals present in India. There were plenty of cases found in these tribunals to deal with so, a fresher who want to take up litigation as profession has lots of opportunities in this sector, they can either fight from the side of tribunals or from the client’s side.