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What is SaralKanoon?

Law sets everything in motion: it shapes the social, economic, cultural and political landscape of a country. Besides this, it also defines the commercial code of conduct for public and private institutions. By way of regulations, policies and landmark case laws, law outlines the interaction of individuals with the government and the society at large. It lays down the cornerstones of human rights and ensures its protection.

However, law is written in a complex manner. In the era of Right Based Empowerment, there are multiple laws that confer rights to vulnerable groups. However, it is difficult for a common man to understand the law: what to do, where to go and how to initiate legal procedure to protect and enforce his/her legal rights.

The complexities of legislations cannot be done away with, for if laws were written in spoken language it would increase the chances of intentional misinterpretation. Legal language is, therefore, strict. It gives rights but the complex language acts as an impediment in availing them. Mere rulemaking by the legislature does not empower a common man and at the same time it is not always possible for a right conscious common man to approach a lawyer for his every small queries.

It is, therefore, essential that these rules are simplified for a common man to understand and invoke the provisions of the law.

Saral Kanoon attempts to solve this problem by integrating technology, legal genius and graphical creativity, to make laws easily understandable without losing its precision. In the future, Saral Kanoon aims to build such platform that can integrate the same information in a more diverse fashion, with active use of technologies such as SMS, Interactive Voice Response System etc. and by focusing on Indian vernacular languages so that common man with no knowledge of English can also participate in civic life.

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About (We) Innovate

At (We)Innovate, people are at the heart of what we do. (We) Innovate Social and Technological Research Foundation is an open group of people having willingness to give back to society. Our mission is to strategically support ideas that make a measurable social impact.

P People, participation and innovations are at our heart. We believe in innovations to improve the lives of people. The problems turn smaller if the solutions are innovative; in this context, the constructive use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) is being recognized and acknowledged world over.

ICT ICT as a tool for development and empowerment is being realized by its various stakeholders. Countries of the world are resorting to the use of ICT to better their socio-cultural and economic landscapes in ways which are feasible and sustainable, depending on their ground level situations. The ICT components increasingly being used for development and empowerment purposes include computer, internet, community radio, audio-video, blogs, and other latest gadgets. Although technology or innovations per se is not an end in in itself, they help us find the problem areas which can help achieve the cause in a most efficient manner; and we further believe that such solutions contribute to build a healthy and participatory civic life;

In this present initiative called Saral Kanoon; we collect, compile and disseminate the Legal Information, in a systematic, graphically illustrative and concise manner, so that legal information required to build a right conscious society and participatory democracy, trickles to the bottom most strata of the society. Saral Kanoon aims to bridge the knowledge divide through innovative means with the use of Information and Communication Technology following the principle of Participatory Action Research.

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